Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pulled Pork Sandwiches

My grocery store had boneless pork loin on sale for $1.97 this week so I decided it was a great day to make pulled pork and coleslaw sandwiches.

To serve 6 with lots of leftovers you'll need around 2 1/2 lbs of pork loin, (you can actually use several different types of pork roast or even beef). Go with what's on sale because everything comes out of the crockpot tender.

The good thing about this loin is that it has a nice little layer of fat on one side that will really add flavor to your meat.

Put your meat in the crockpot and turn to "low". You'll need to season the meat to get the best flavor. Use any smoke based seasoning or even a bit of "liquid smoke". This time, I used Grill Mates: Mesquite but you could also use hickory or whatever. I also added some garlic and onion powder like I usually do, haha. There are plenty of different combinations of spices that you can add to the meat as long as you have that smoky flavor in there somewhere.
Once it looks something like this, put the lid on and leave it alone for about 2 hours.

The next part you can either do after the two hours or when you first start cooking the roast, (or you can omit this step completely). But I poured in about 10 oz of rootbeer. I read this somewhere and it sounded like a good idea so I tried it.
Cook for another 4-6 hours or turn the crockpot to "high" to reduce cooking time. Once the meat is tender, shred it with two forks, or however you personally shred meat. :) After you shred it mix it up with the juices in the pot and put the lid on for about another 20 minutes so that the meat can soak up all of that goodness.
At this point the meat is so flavorful that you can serve it just like this and get rave reviews or you can add about 3/4 bottle of BBQ sauce, (I used Sweet Baby Rays), and let it cook just long enough to heat up. Maybe 10 minutes.

This time, probably because I added the extra liquid from the root beer, I had to strain the meat somewhat before I added to the buns so that they didn't get soggy. Normally I don't have to do this, but normally I don't add root beer so, yeah, strain the meat of excess liquid. Just use a slotted spoon.
Serve on buns or Hawaiian rolls, top with coleslaw. I make these all the time for family gatherings or parties because you can make a ton with hardly any work.
Let me know how it turns out.
If you want to make your own coleslaw, that's your business. I bought mine from the deli.

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