Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Chicken and Crescent Dumplings

You know those recipes that sound too quick easy to be good? Yeah, this is one of those. My sister shared this with me a couple of years back and I'm not sure where she got it, but it is delish! It's one of those meals where everyone at my table is finishing and asking for 2nds. It's even great cold the next day! Now my husband cannot stand traditional dumplings but he love this twist on them. So here goes, try it tonight!

What you'll need:

1 whole chicken (see more below)

3 packages crescent rolls

1 small can each; cream of mushroom, cream of potato, cream of chicken

a little milk

salt & pepper

Let's start with the chicken. My sister uses a rotisserie chicken for this recipe which makes it even quicker and easier. However, when shopping for this recipe, I checked out the rotisseries and they were tiny, shriveled and $5.99! I marched my frugal behind straight back to the meat dept. to see if I could get a better deal. Luckily the whole chickens were buy 1 get 1 free and I got two whole chickens for around 5 bucks! So first I will show you how to quickly cook a whole chicken to use for shredding. (This method is courtesy of yet another sister.)

Clean and remove giblets from your chicken. Put chicken in a pot large enough for it to sit in and season however you'd like. I used some poultry seasoning and sage. It doesn't really matter too much because we'll be removing most of the skin anyway.
Put a lid on that sucker and cook on medium for about an hour to an hour and a half. My sister swears it will cook in it's own juices but I added about 2 cups of water. About 1 1/2 hours later, here's what I've got.
Ok, so remove it from the pot, let it cool, (I actually put mine in the fridge overnight because I was making it the next day.) When you're ready, remove the skin and bones and shred, as so:
Ok, so back to the fun part. Preheat oven to 350 F. Unwrap your crescent triangles, divide along perforations and roll the shredded chicken up in each on. Place in a glass baking dish. I have a larger family so I wrapped 16 crescent rolls, or the equivalent of two cans.
In a bowl, combine the soups, salt & pepper, and around a cup of milk. I may have added more milk after to make a creamier sauce. Pour the mixture over the top and around the sides of the crescent wraps. Take your last can of crescents and roll out on top of the dish. My sister likes to make it all fancy on top but I literally just unroll it and throw it on top.
Bake in the oven until top is very brown and crescents are cooked. Around 20-25 min? Could be longer. Go by the pic, lol.
And there you have it! I can't say enough about this dish! The crescents cook perfectly and the chicken wrapped inside is delicious. Serve with some veggies on the side, or you could probably even get away with adding a can of veggies to the soups before cooking. Enjoy!

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